Allergies & testing
I have 3 huge dogs that will affect the allergy test outcome for those allergic to dog hair or dander
Allergy testing is not a Silver Bullet. It is a very short exposure to cat dander. Everyone's allergies are unique to them. We can't just expose the person with allergies to all my cats as that can be overwhelming. Everyone's allergies are unique to them. There are contact allergies where the person has to actually touch a cat to see if they will break out in hives. There are sniffily sneezing allergies and there is Asthma type allergies. Some people know immediately if they will react and some people have allergies where the protein has to be an accumulated or layered affect and they don't know if it will affect them till 2 hours after they leave.
Allergy testing is an in-depth 45 minute-1 hour process so there is a $50 testing fee. The testing fee will apply towards your $300 deposit to hold a kitten. If the test does not go well then the testing fee is just for my time. When you come to my house for testing I have you exposed to the 1 kitten you are choosing. This is to see how you tolerate that one particular kitten. There are 2 types of Allergy tests that I do.
Test A: The car test is probably about the best Allergy test there is and I call it the “Down & Dirty + Lunch test”. I call it the down and dirty because there is no hiding a reaction. You are in your car with a beach towel across your lap that you bring from home that is washed with your laundry soap so you are used to that smell already.
After we are done with the test you just fold up your towel and throw it in your trunk so it is not in your vicinity for the ride home. Wash it when you get home. It is You, Me and the cat in the confined space of your car and you are being exposed to the kitten that I bring out in a carrier. In such a small space you will be able to tell faster if you are having an allergic reaction. Now if you have the type of allergies that don't pop right away then we can do the car test and then you go grab some lunch and come back and tell me how you feel after some time has gone by.
*Please bring any allergy meds or inhaler and wear non snagging clothes such as jeans and T-shirts as cats do have claws and sweaters will snag.
Test B: The Fur Sample test. This test is done for future litters. This is a Free test where I send you a fur sample from the potential father of the litter. With complete instructions on how to do the test. This test is good but does have its drawbacks. The drawbacks are #1 if you don't do the test correctly and #2 timing. What do I mean by timing being a drawback? Well; I post the kittens for picking on my website when they are 8 weeks old. To do this test you must contact me EARLY. Contact me if you are interested in a future litter and need a fur test.
Allergy testing is not a Silver Bullet. It is a very short exposure to cat dander. Everyone's allergies are unique to them. We can't just expose the person with allergies to all my cats as that can be overwhelming. Everyone's allergies are unique to them. There are contact allergies where the person has to actually touch a cat to see if they will break out in hives. There are sniffily sneezing allergies and there is Asthma type allergies. Some people know immediately if they will react and some people have allergies where the protein has to be an accumulated or layered affect and they don't know if it will affect them till 2 hours after they leave.
Allergy testing is an in-depth 45 minute-1 hour process so there is a $50 testing fee. The testing fee will apply towards your $300 deposit to hold a kitten. If the test does not go well then the testing fee is just for my time. When you come to my house for testing I have you exposed to the 1 kitten you are choosing. This is to see how you tolerate that one particular kitten. There are 2 types of Allergy tests that I do.
Test A: The car test is probably about the best Allergy test there is and I call it the “Down & Dirty + Lunch test”. I call it the down and dirty because there is no hiding a reaction. You are in your car with a beach towel across your lap that you bring from home that is washed with your laundry soap so you are used to that smell already.
After we are done with the test you just fold up your towel and throw it in your trunk so it is not in your vicinity for the ride home. Wash it when you get home. It is You, Me and the cat in the confined space of your car and you are being exposed to the kitten that I bring out in a carrier. In such a small space you will be able to tell faster if you are having an allergic reaction. Now if you have the type of allergies that don't pop right away then we can do the car test and then you go grab some lunch and come back and tell me how you feel after some time has gone by.
*Please bring any allergy meds or inhaler and wear non snagging clothes such as jeans and T-shirts as cats do have claws and sweaters will snag.
Test B: The Fur Sample test. This test is done for future litters. This is a Free test where I send you a fur sample from the potential father of the litter. With complete instructions on how to do the test. This test is good but does have its drawbacks. The drawbacks are #1 if you don't do the test correctly and #2 timing. What do I mean by timing being a drawback? Well; I post the kittens for picking on my website when they are 8 weeks old. To do this test you must contact me EARLY. Contact me if you are interested in a future litter and need a fur test.
Period of Adjustment after kitten comes home

*Your body needs time to build up an immunity to your particular kitten. Up until this point your house has been cat-free. No litter, no fur, no dander, no cat tree, and no cat walking across all of your stuff. Then all of a sudden you have been hit with an invasion of cat. Your eyes and nose are running. You start to itch. You are now wondering what you have gotten yourself into. Well guess what? The kitten feels the same way. The kitten is stressed out. That will make the allergen levels spike until it settles in and gets used to a new place, new food, new smells, new noises, and new environment.
Expect the kittens adjustment to last 1-2 weeks. The kitten needs to calm down and let those levels calm down just as your body needs a few weeks time to adjust and build up a tolerance to it. You are going from no dander in your home to low levels of cat dander in your home. You will experience some allergy symptoms for the first few weeks, but eventually it will taper off and you will be fine. As long as the allergy symptoms remain minor, you will be fine. If you start wheezing, if the kitten is inhibiting your breathing, or you get violently ill, you need to call me immediately and return the kitten.
**Siberians are low in allergens. However intact Siberians are higher in allergens than after they are spayed/neutered. The 1st 30 days after a cat is spay/neutered the proteins then start coming down even further.
**Bottom line an allergic person needs to build up a tolerance to their own cat they are living with. Yes it takes time. When you go to the Dr. for a Flu shot that is injecting you with a minor dose of the Flu. When you bring home a Low allergen Siberian your body still needs time to adapt to it. A Siberian cat is Hypo-allergenic meaning low allergen response NOT NO Allergen response.
Expect the kittens adjustment to last 1-2 weeks. The kitten needs to calm down and let those levels calm down just as your body needs a few weeks time to adjust and build up a tolerance to it. You are going from no dander in your home to low levels of cat dander in your home. You will experience some allergy symptoms for the first few weeks, but eventually it will taper off and you will be fine. As long as the allergy symptoms remain minor, you will be fine. If you start wheezing, if the kitten is inhibiting your breathing, or you get violently ill, you need to call me immediately and return the kitten.
**Siberians are low in allergens. However intact Siberians are higher in allergens than after they are spayed/neutered. The 1st 30 days after a cat is spay/neutered the proteins then start coming down even further.
**Bottom line an allergic person needs to build up a tolerance to their own cat they are living with. Yes it takes time. When you go to the Dr. for a Flu shot that is injecting you with a minor dose of the Flu. When you bring home a Low allergen Siberian your body still needs time to adapt to it. A Siberian cat is Hypo-allergenic meaning low allergen response NOT NO Allergen response.
Allergies and your Cat litter
2 weeks Before bringing your kitten home: Do the Cat Litter Test buy your cat litter and open the bag, pour it in the Litter box and live with it a few days. Run your hand thru it. You are making sure that you are not having a reaction to the litter but thinking that its the cat!
Get a Cat litter that is 99.9% Dust free. PERFUME FREE AND FRAGRANCE FREE. I have tried tons of different brands and I believe that as long as it is dust free you have to go with what you can tolerate personally. **Some people including me are actually allergic to cat litter NOT cats. We now use Dr. Elsey's Ultra Precious Cat.
Pretend your cat is a dust mop. I know it sounds silly just bear with me. The cat is moving from the litter box to the couch, to the counters, to the tables, to your lap, then your face. Wouldn't a dust mop in the face bother anyone? This is why it is SOOOOO very important to check out and live with a brand of cat litter before bringing the kitten into the equation. How will you know if its the cat or the litter you are having a reaction to?? I tell everyone to do the Cat Litter test. When you find a cat litter that you like DO NOT change it. Cats don't like change. If you have to make a change do it gradually. True Story here; I had a lady that did the cat litter test. She got her cat and for 6 months everything was fine. Then she calls me in tears and says she is all of a sudden allergic to her cat. I asked her what changed? She said nothing had changed. I asked her if she changed her cat litter? She said yes because this new brand was cheaper. I told her to change it back immediately but do it gradually so the cat would not rebel and not want to use his box. She didn't understand why at first until I told her the "Dust Mop" analogy and then it became clear. She changed back to her original litter and called me two weeks later telling me that everything was great again. Problem Solved :)
Get a Cat litter that is 99.9% Dust free. PERFUME FREE AND FRAGRANCE FREE. I have tried tons of different brands and I believe that as long as it is dust free you have to go with what you can tolerate personally. **Some people including me are actually allergic to cat litter NOT cats. We now use Dr. Elsey's Ultra Precious Cat.
Pretend your cat is a dust mop. I know it sounds silly just bear with me. The cat is moving from the litter box to the couch, to the counters, to the tables, to your lap, then your face. Wouldn't a dust mop in the face bother anyone? This is why it is SOOOOO very important to check out and live with a brand of cat litter before bringing the kitten into the equation. How will you know if its the cat or the litter you are having a reaction to?? I tell everyone to do the Cat Litter test. When you find a cat litter that you like DO NOT change it. Cats don't like change. If you have to make a change do it gradually. True Story here; I had a lady that did the cat litter test. She got her cat and for 6 months everything was fine. Then she calls me in tears and says she is all of a sudden allergic to her cat. I asked her what changed? She said nothing had changed. I asked her if she changed her cat litter? She said yes because this new brand was cheaper. I told her to change it back immediately but do it gradually so the cat would not rebel and not want to use his box. She didn't understand why at first until I told her the "Dust Mop" analogy and then it became clear. She changed back to her original litter and called me two weeks later telling me that everything was great again. Problem Solved :)
reducing allergen reactions

- HEPA filters for ventilation systems in the home, HEPA air purifiers, HEPA filter vacuum cleaners, are very helpful. Replace carpeting with hard wood flooring or Tile.
- Moisten the kitten with Allerpet Grooming Solution or use Allergy cat wipes prior to daily combing. This will reduce allergens released into the air during combing, remove excess oils and deactivate many of the allergens on the fur. Frequent combing with a moistening solution is very helpful in reducing reactions to your kitten.
- Bathe kitten twice monthly. Starting this as a kitten will get your kitten in the habit and keep it from being afraid of water. This will remove both allergens and irritants from the coat. Pet shampoo containing lanolin, aloe, or oatmeal will avoid drying and irritating your kitten's skin. When possible, use a hair dryer to warm the kitten and fully dry the fur. Or you can heat a bag of dried beans or uncooked rice in the microwave for a few minutes then wrap it in a towel for the kitten to lay on to keep it warm as it dries.
- Use washable fleece throws where your kitten likes to sleep. This includes couches and chairs as well as climbing stations and and cat beds. Wash throws weekly in hot water with detergent and borax to deactivate allergens.
- Maintain a calm environment. Cats under stress increase production of Fel d1 allergen. Some typical causes of stress include having too many cats in the house, sudden noise or commotion, and a lack of quiet attention and daily grooming.
- Reactions to litter box dust are very common. Some people like myself are actually allergic to the litter and NOT the cat. Small kittens may play or scratch in the litter box and tend to get dust on their fur. Use perfume free low-dust litters and change the litter weekly.
- If possible, the litter box should be kept in the garage or a room can be vented to the outdoors. Installing a cat door through a wall into the garage or screened porch allows you to make a secure area with a top for the litter box. This will prevent kitten from playing in the garage or escaping.
- Create a allergy free sleeping zone. This means that you can not allow your pets to sleep in your bedroom. Keep the cat away from your bed to keep any allergens from accumulating in your bedding and attaching itself to your body. This allows the allergic person a period of recuperation (no exposure at night) which will reduce daytime reactions.
- Vacuum often to reduce hair buildup around your home.
- Feeding a well balanced "All Natural" diet helps maintain a healthy coat and reduces shedding. Credit Kitten
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