Males can tend to be on the needy side with their love and devotion to their humans. This can sometimes lead to stress if their routines or environment goes thru rapid or frequent changes. IE: don't adopt a male cat then go on vacation soon afterward. In the male cat stress can present itself in the form of Urinary Blockages. If you are going to go on vacation at some point by all means do it BUT make sure you are leaving your cat with someone they feel comfortable with. Would you leave your human child with someone they never met before?? IF you have a male that is on the needy or nervous side learn what triggers his anxiety. It will make a huge difference if you ever have to take the cat to the vet for any mystery behavior or illness. Sadly I had a client (Anne) who's male (Pawter) went thru this. She had a nightmare of a vet that put the cat for $700 on RX food and medication to no avail. This vet wanted him on this regiment for life and it did no good. She went to another vet same thing. She finally had to take him to the emergency vet and $3,000 later he was unblocked. This wonderful client put in the hard work to find answers. She researched and found out that learning his triggers was a huge benefit. She also researched food. She asked me to share these links with all my clients so that they may benefit from her experience. Thank you so much Anne you are amazing!
Pumaridge kittens go home between 10-12 weeks of age and are vaccinated. We use only Non-Adjuvant Vaccines to eliminate the risk of Adjuvant-induced Fibro Sarcomas. The case against Adjuvant Vaccines